
Pursuit of Possible

Let my past pain protect your present path forward to a new you.  


Sound is an avenue to access your essence.

Past the stories of your life, constraints within society, bandages from past hurts, and walls built due to necessity… In your essence, you are a Gem. You do not need to suffer through loneliness, fear, change and uncertainty alone.

You are love. You are healing. You are not alone.

The key modality utilized are sound therapy, weighted tuning forks, crystal intention targeting, and chakra cleansing as well as guided meditations. Other modalities are didactic mindfulness to target limiting beliefs or negative change behaviors along with fundamental Companionship. 

Path to Present

X Noni Gemstone

Naturopathic Sound Healer & Protector in your #pursuitofpossible.

Hey there, fellow wanderer. It's like we're all caught in this cosmic game of hide and seek, stumbling upon each other's stories and secrets as we journey through the corridors of existence. Let me peel back the layers of my own narrative, let me invite you into the whirlwind of my being – where spirituality dances with queerness and sound becomes the symphony of salvation.

You know, I'm like a kaleidoscope of identities – a cocktail of spiritual essence, a vibrant burst of queerness, and a rebellious whisper against the norms. Now, let's talk about my ever-curious thirst for knowledge – it's like I'm on a perpetual treasure hunt in the labyrinth of existence. And let me tell you, sound saved me – a tale that sounds almost too absurd to be true. It all began as a joke, a cheeky giggle when I stumbled upon ASMR videos. Little did I know, those whispers, those rustles, they were my lifelines to the compassion I had forgotten existed within me.

Compassion, a rare currency these days, but in those whispered symphonies, I found it – compassion for my tangled life, compassion for the puppeteer of people-pleasing I had unknowingly become, and compassion for the bitterness that had started seeping into my very core.

Opening that wellspring of compassion was like giving my thoughts a new set of glasses – suddenly, I wasn't judging them harshly, I was merely observing them with a sense of curiosity. Negative thoughts, once ruling with an iron fist, were now quivering under the spotlight of gentle inquiry.

Oh, what a revelation it was! Compassion for oneself is like discovering a secret passage in a haunted mansion – it leads to liberation, to the realization that change is not just possible, but necessary. And so, I embarked on a journey of authenticity, of being unapologetically me.

Let's take a look at the transformation highlights, shall we?

First, I had a makeover of sorts, but not just my appearance – my health too. It was like stepping into a cocoon and emerging as a vibrant butterfly, all vibrant colors and newfound vitality.

Then, there was the grand unraveling – a 14-year partnership coming undone, like a tapestry that had outlived its beauty. Divorce is never easy, but sometimes, it's like leaving behind a shell of a role that no longer resonated.

Would you believe it, the moment I took charge of my life, the moment I embraced authenticity with open arms, my need for Prozac vanished, like a magician's trick that leaves you bewildered. Even those impulsive Amazon binges ceased – it's like I was no longer seeking comfort in materialism, because I had found comfort in my own skin.

Then, a realization hit me like a bolt of lightning – I had been doing the work all along. I was the Safe Zone guru, the Mental Health First-Aid master, and a Practitioner of Positive Psychology magic. Five years of Sound Meditation had been my secret sanctuary, a place where I met my own self without the masks.

In the midst of this whirlwind, I found myself in the realm of sound healing. A level 1 sound healer, equipped with a Crystal and Chakra Healer certificate from Life Changing Energy. Currently, I'm entangled with tuning forks, scaling the heights of level 2, and brushing the edges of expert sound healing.

Ah, but the best part of this self-discovery? I'm making space for others to find sanctuary within themselves, a safe haven amidst the chaos. A sense of purpose beckons like a lighthouse in the storm – to help others navigate the tempest of existence through the powerful symphony of sound.

So there you have it, the portrait of a soul painted with spirituality's brush, dipped in the vibrant hues of queerness, and set aglow with the resonance of sound healing. This is me – a tapestry of experiences, a mosaic of identities, a celebration of authenticity. If you're ready to unravel your own tapestry, to dance with the shadows and bask in the light, then let's embark on this journey together, my fellow wanderer.